No one

by heather   May 28, 2004

It was the first day of school. Everyone was rushing to get to school so they could see there friends. Except for this one little girl. I watched her go inside to talk to some other students. When she got up to them she said hi and they pretended like she wasn't even there. She thought that they didn't here her so she said it again and all the kids looked at her and said get away you little retard. you aren't like us you are just an idiot with no brain. maybe you should move into another school where people actually care. i could see the hurt in her eyes and on her face. But i didn't say anything. when the taecher walked in everyone just sat down and laughed at her. After school i saw her run home to her mother crying. Her mother asked her what was wrong and she said mommy why doesn't anyone like me why do they always make me feel like dirt. am i really that bad. mommy dint they care. And her mother just looked her in the eyes and said it will be OK and she left. the next day when she walked in everyone was waiting for her outside the school door. When she walked up they grabbed her and said threes the little crybaby the one who cant make any friends go back to where you came from you dint belong here. She just ran away and no one ever saw her again. Everyone seemed so happy. except for me. That night when i was walking home i saw a letter on the little girls front steps. I walked up the steps and read it. It said Dear Mommy and Daddy I want to say thank you for always being there for me but i have to go. No one likes me. Its time for me to leave. I am sorry. I love you. love Sara
I knew I had to do something but I was to scared to tell. I decided to walk to my friends house and on the way I saw a girl lying in the woods dead. I screamed and i knew it was her. the next day in school I walked in everyone was waiting for her arrival. even though i was the only one who knew what happened. they started saying oh I guess the girl listened she left. I got upset and said you don't know what happened do you. its all because of you guys that she killed herself its because of you that she felt useless and its all because of you that she felt this way. they were all in shock. they said well we never meant to hurt her. I just walked away in tears. I never stepped foot in that school again and I never saw those people again.


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  • 20 years ago

    by heather

    i didnt mean that i wus weird that day but thx luv heather

  • 20 years ago

    by Hillary Starz

    nice poem, long but interesting. good job

  • 20 years ago

    by heather

    kk i will take your advice thanks

  • 20 years ago

    by David

    Very interesting story. Maybe you should post it in
    You certainly have the ability to write them. Of course your style needs improvement, but so does ours.
    Read the strories there first, then submit it
    If it was suppose to be a poem, it needs a little editing I suppose. Space out the sections, make it a little easier to read.

  • 20 years ago

    by ~* Joyful *~

    Hey it did sound like a story.. but did this really happen? that is so sad if it did.. even though it sounded like a story it still brang a tear to my eyes to think that some people are like that..