My Sisters

by unicorn   May 17, 2008

I can still remember
when we were but children
the games we played
the pranks we shared
we don't need to play
with another
for we have each other
then we grew up to teens
the never ending whisperings
far into the night
talks of first dates
first kiss..first loves
we have been sharing..
we had gone through a lot
the laughter and the joys
the heartbreaks and the sorrows
comforting and supporting each other
we have our petty quarrels
but our love is much greater
oh what fun we had and i miss it all
but now we are older
our carefree days are over
we had gone on our separate ways
we have families and responsibilities
to take care
just phone calls and off line messages
to say are you..take care..
though we are far away from one another
in our hearts i know we are still together
for God has given us each other
to love and cherish forever...
my best friends....


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