Comments : Horrible Leader; Perfect Allie

  • 16 years ago

    by isabel

    I'd say we need more allies than leaders...
    i didn't quite understand if you really meant "war" in literal terms or used it as a metaphor....
    either way (lol), i find the poem really nice...
    I think this is the first poem i read with a tradicional rhyme scheme... so i can really criticize your formal requirements... (YES! no...wait...there's nothing to criticize...^^)
    your rhyme scheme is intersting...(abcb...two rhyming verses and two non-rhyming verses...) and the flow is really nice...

    it will probably seem in my latest comments that i am a "formal requirements freak", yet i can promise you i am not...
    i only think the theme itself is something more personal and that we can't criticize each others emotions and personal opinions...because we are all different and have different ways of expressing ourselves...
