Comments : Flaming Hearts

  • 16 years ago

    by Jennifer RIP Lesthat Hayden

    Like autumn frost which chill the air
    I'm pretty sure it should be chills the air.
    Unless you mean frosts.

    They change the leaves and a lovers care
    Lovers should be lover's since you're signifying it is THEIR care meaning ownership.

    Besides those the only bad thing I have to say would be the last stanza being a bit off in rhyming compared to the other two being perfect rhymes.

    I liked it. It was good and I enjoyed the title. Good job. :) I liked how you went through the seasons. 5.

  • 16 years ago

    by Aureus Argentum

    Bloody hell, that was brilliant! Seasons are a beautiful thing, and each reveal a new secret every time... yet in each season lies a little bit of everything, and... I will put my pen down and begin to write with the ink in my imagination, this was surely quite the best poem I have had the honor of reading today.

    You are blessed many times over in literature, and I believe it'll get you far---assuming you haven't gone anywhere yet.

    But the possibilities of that is few nowadays and the rates of Hollywood are lowering. :( It's not pretty; however, lovely poem. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Wow, that was really good, your title was very unique and creative and was perfect!

    "Like spring rains, so gently falling
    They nurture flowers and love birds calling
    Like turtle doves, two lovers coo
    Two Flaming hearts, we join anew"

    This is my favorite, I like how you use lots of adjectives and verbs, don't know what else to say really, it just is a strong true stanza.

    "Like winter winds which blow so cold
    They numb the body and chill the soul
    Like love once shared that now is broken
    Two Flaming hearts, that now lie frozen"

    This was too wonderful, I love your description and how you say numb the body and chill the soul, that was great! Your ending is very strong and well-structured. A truely flawless peice and a very good poem. 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Love like the seasons and stages of life vary in character and depth. Each has its beauty and sings its own unique song.

    You have worked all of the above into a marvelous poem. The meter was excellent and metaphors charmingly colourful.


    p.s thanks for your support.

  • 16 years ago

    by Rachel RTVW

    I like the poem, your flow is good but you should never use like in a poem. You should use as instead.

  • 16 years ago

    by debbylyn

    I found the repitition of the word "like" in the poem very distracting...perhaps the word "as" should be used instead....some of the rhyming seems forced and the content cliche.

    While I did find the purpose of the poem romantic and sweet the over use of the words like, they, & two too overpowering to let the emotions shine.

    A nice effort! Take care, Debbie