Interview 2

by Jemma   May 18, 2008

"And why do you feel you would be an asset to this establishment? What, I should say, will you bring to our little company?"

** * ** * ** ***

I should carry you away
Dreams left to hang in the clouds for the real world leaves it all an awaiting illusion
Beckon to me and I shall come without your strings

Fresh faced and rosy with a smile still spilling over there
Though my eyes are wrought in consideration and concentration
My focus will remain in comprehension
To be valued later with the security of a secluded mind

Bring into me skills and I shall build upon them
Give me wood and the bridge is yours

The arch of fire is slim in the waves but it brings to the brink its enthusiasm for life
It's roaring rage against diminishment
That is held tight within my heart
The resolve of a fighter, an elemental tempest
Battling for your striving corporation

** * ** * ** ***

"But what have you to guarantee our prosperity amongst our rivals?"

** * ** * ** ***

There are no certainties to be given but the promise of my heart
Pale now in comparison to the cartel of businessmen
Gaining influence, power and persuasion
But life dances merrily within my fingertips
Made brighter with trust that is slipped across the papers and escape from my pen
Writing whatever you should ask of me

Loyal to the bone is more than skin deep
It's more than a suspicious and fearful reverence
Respect is a shameful flaw I have devised in my own making

Though the wine may make them falter
My tongue is still there after
Once the vow has left my lips
For them to remain dry

My word is a given, given are my actions
To which thoughts I have voiced in truth and honest appreciation
For the triumphs of the ones who seek your share
But beware not their dangers when sitting in your lair
Is the courageousness of lions with baited breath

** * ** * ** ***

"So when would you be able to take this position, and what sort of hours were you thinking of?"

** * ** * ** ***

I think of nothing but time
And time does nothing in its affects on me.
I am what I am only because of the time in which I am
Without its hold on me I have no anchor to humanity
For without time we have only a meaningless existence

Even then I would stand strong
In defiance of indifference
I would be there without moments simply to stare,
To breathe in motionless air
That moves not for it knows not how to

I leave not when the wind changes its scream
I leave not when the sun beckons me home
Too late have I lain in the shadows of a candle long gone cold

I know plenty of histories that have been left forgotten
In their haste to get them written down
It all comes down to details
Details are not made for loyalty, for love and for honour
Only in the glorification that comes long after

Time ticks on in the relics of a clockwork machine
I listen to its mournful voice and inside me it finds a claim
Its monotonous nature gives me haste and purpose within contradiction
And should you need me
Know I am already there.


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