Have you ever..

by ForsakenBeautyXx   May 19, 2008

Have you ever felt out of your own body...
as though your watching in....
seeing all ur movements...
you dont know where to begin....
you see yourself cry...
as you fall to your knees....
you see in your eyes you want to die....
but your praying to god please...

have you ever felt not yourself...
as though you were someone else....
looking in the mirror...
you see a stranger...
it is our fear...
that puts us in danger...

have you ever felt like your not even real...
as though your in a movie...
and all you feel is fake....
you go by the lines...
never worrying whats at stake...

have you ever wondered why this poem makes sense...
because like you...ive felt this way too...
we lose thought of ourselves...
and dont know what to do...
we run...and find a different path...
one that will make us something else...

one more question...just from thought...
have you ever wanted to just know who you are...
without it being sought...
that is something...we must feel alone...
for we are only people...
one is not the same...
so when you cant find yourself...
your the only one to blame.

[[this is one of my own personal favs now]] ashley


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Latest Comments

  • 15 years ago

    by Dreamofolwin

    A brilliant poem, and so well expressed, lol. Have felt this way at times, and its unreal! And your right, we each have to "find" ourselves and what we want in life...not run away. Excellent reading..loved it.

  • 15 years ago

    by Twisted Mind Broken Soul

    Extremely interesting concept. You took this piece to the extreme, and you developed it into something beautiful. Written for us to understand you expressed what half the world truly is. This is magnificent.

    ♥Excellent Emotions
    ♥Fully Understandable
    ♥Outstanding Vocabulary
    ♥Wonderful Mind Set


  • 16 years ago

    by Fire Catches

    I like this because
    You speaking to the readers
    and yet your writing down how
    you feel!

  • 16 years ago

    by Kuro

    Interesting concept. seeing yourself from a 3rd person view or in a mirror or out-of-body type experience. very intrieging indeed. made me think of a song by Switchfoot called "This is your life". the lyrics go "This is your life, are you who you want to be?"

    when you see yourself, are you pleased or disgused? just need to learn to accept yourself.

    I kinda got a spiritual revalation by reading this one. (even if its totally wrong :P)

    Thanks for posting ^_^

  • 16 years ago

    by robin milford

    Excellent poem thank u for your comment on "Suicide note"

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