
by wolfschild   May 20, 2008

You were a good friend to us all
we loved you and looked after you and kept you safe
your life was short and you were so young
we didnt know that you would die so quickly
you were the only one who knew the end was coming
we are now left here without you and tears start to fall
you are in a better place now, up there with your father
we keep your memory alive in our hearts and prayers
you are now at rest and we are now in pain
we live for your memory, knowing we will join you soon
i love you Laura and i will lay roses on your grave


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  • 16 years ago

    by HaileyHelen

    This was fantastic... I loved it. It was real... Raw... honest. Everything I love in a poem=]

  • 16 years ago

    by Hollywood

    I liked it alot..great job! I know this must have been hard to write! It was lovely i think she would love it as well!((5)) Though i never truly lost someone i know that it will be hard to forget! Well you will never truly forget but your head will move away from all that has happened in the past but your heart will never forget!