Heart Break

by D Jon Versatino   May 20, 2008

How gentle can I speak,
How deserving could it sound?
I have sat in the rain,
Felt the cold of death with my bare eyes,
And my skin begging to leave,
Not willing to bare the pains anymore.
But I have eaten the shame
Believing that tomorrow holds a colorful smile,
A smile to revive this dejected soul,
I have loved you from the very first moment,
To the end, my death,
But you have taken away my happiness,
Brose it with your cheat,
Roasted it with dragons vomit
Oh, how heartless could you be?
Knowing that I love you like my breath
How heartbreaking could this be?
Knowing that you have given your love away, Far East;
A drama of love betrayal.
But on this lonely mountain,
Comes my grace,
I will look unto North where the sun comes,
And there will be a true smile from a gentle breeze,
To push me off this cliff of heartbreak,
Down, into the ocean of true love
A place where lovers knows that heartbreak,
Is a sabotage
But, to love again,
You need to give your life a rest.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Love is a Beautiful Thing

    Great poem its a very powerful poem!!! 5/5

  • 16 years ago

    by Emily

    This poem is sweet but so sad i wanna write it down and put it somewhere everyone can see its wonderful