Comments : Alive Once Again

  • 16 years ago

    by Brittany C

    I really liked this poem. The wording was great. This is an easy poem to relate to. I gave it a 5/5. The only thing I see wrong with it is the fact that you capitalized the first letter of ever word.

  • 16 years ago

    by xxxStarSxxx

    "I Never Thought It Would End This Way,
    Me Being Happy, Glad You Didn't Stay."
    ^^^ noone ever thinks that they will be able to move on. But sometimes you just have to keep looking.

    "It Tears You Apart, To Know I'm Not Sad,
    But Life Goes On, I Can't Always Be mad."
    ^^^ I know this is really mean, but I love to make the men feel like this. You are WAY better than him and he never deserved such a sweet girl like you.

    "I Got Over You, Just Like You Got Over Me,
    Now I'm Happy With Sam, Is This Something You Can't See?"
    ^^^ Men often only see what they want to see, not what it truly there.

    "I'm No Longer Crying, And Hurting My Self,
    He Makes Me Happy, And Thats Something I Haven't Felt."
    ^^^ Exactly the way that I feel about Dan now!

    "So When You Start To Think, And Look Back On Your Life,
    Realize You Fu**ed Up, I Could Have Been A Good Wife."
    ^^^ If only men could actually see their own faults and not be constantly blaming it on other people.

    "Now Me And Sam Are Happy, Together We Will Last,
    Unlike You, Sam Will Never Be In My Past."
    ^^^ Remove Sam, insert Dan. lol

    This is a really great poem and I can totally relate to it, but you know all about that. :) You are a brilliant writer. Keep it up darling!
