A memory not wanted

by never let go of the falling angels   May 23, 2008

Another memory to hold on to
Another memory thats never going to pass me
Another memory I just don't want
A memory of screwing up
A memory of hate and sorrow to fill my life
A memory to cause those sleepless nights
because I'm trying to fix the horror of the day
The memory wanders continuously not leaving me alone
I try to escape from that one memory but it always finds its way back to me just to bring me down
Down to the ground below
below us all.


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  • 16 years ago

    by Pink Romance

    I like this poem cause this happens to me daily trust me. =[

    i have that bad memory suck in my head and it just pos up whenever.

    you wrote it well and it was easy reading i like that... your sstill my fav girl. =]
