My last poem

by mark swaggerty   May 24, 2008

My last poem this will be.

No need for emotion no need to think,
The wells have ran dry! No rain for relief no water to drink.

I feel the soft putter in my chest reminding me of what i lost,
depressed, homeless, and now alone on the road i must cross.

It has become difficult for me to put two thoughts together,
I always seem to be on the stormy side of the weather.

I am not happy nor sad, certainly not mad,
I only realize the potential i once had.

When i lost my grace i lost all control,
When she lost her life i lost my soul.

Regret surrounds me masked thick to my lungs,
its now hard to exhale SHE WAS SO YOUNG!!!

Stroke was the case, blood clot to the Brain,
never saw it coming the doctor tried to explain.

"the chance of this happing to someone this young,
is more rare than one million to one."

Damn that doctor! Stats will never be the issue,
No one will ever know just how much i miss you!


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Latest Comments

  • 15 years ago

    by Unamed

    Awe..omighosh i loved it, and even with the no emotion, there is. it was sad, and well written, alot better than what i can do! haha.

    i thought since u commented and rated mine, i'd do the same. but u did wway better. lol


  • 16 years ago

    by Libbeeeee

    That was very moving. I loved the way you played the words, and how you showed emotion.

  • 16 years ago

    by Jim McMillen the man within

    Mark what a well written piece! I can tell by the content It was an unavoidable release, but you have realy expressed this piece so well. It flowed definitively! Your choice of words are great . 5/5
    I am sorry for your loss my friend

  • 16 years ago

    by Lost in Love

    This is amazing....I love the style of your writing...And thanks for the comments!

  • 16 years ago

    by ibelievedhim

    Wow that was really good, but so sad. i'll bet she knows how much you miss her. this piece was so emotional. i especially love the last 2 lines :)

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