I am reborn, into a new existence.
I have tired of the old one.
And so you showed me the way to the new.
I am a rose, born into a garden.
A garden, that is filled,
Filled with thorns and weeds.
I won’t hide any longer.
Now, I am the huntress, stalking my quivering prey.
I am powerful and fearless,
No longer a replicate, a duplicate, a copy,
Of all that I used to be, and all that I hate.
I shall never cower again,
Nor flinch at the hand,
The terrible hand that he lifted,
With the sole purpose,
Of bruising already fragile skin.
I will never stray, from the path that I see.
Which leads to where I am needed.
I am unbreakable.
I have been reforged.
So well, so strong, so true.
I am myself, and myself is me.
Though he fought with all his might,
He will never see me at his feet again,