My Girl
Its a lonely life I live living on my own my baby girl by my side I live for my phone my contact with humanity. Feel neglected and cold.
He did this to us and the pain I hold within sometimes gets the better of me. I hate him despise detest him his ways and his life now I loved him once he ate me and spat me out.. I look at this girl so full of wonder and innocence I cry silent tears for her do I tell her of such horridness form a man that is suppose to be her superior her protector her hero her Dad how do I answer the questions of such an innocent venerable mind and not hurt her do I lie to her and twist it to make him seem not so bad but then she might blame me she might want him in her life even though he did not want her in his. But only for a week and then changed his mind. How do I protect her from what happened and give her normal I cant he took away normal the minute he turned his back how do I ever forgive some one more importantly how does my little girl life some times is cruel and waiting for the answers is hell