Fibromyalgia; pain in the muscles and tissues
You've got this disorder and it's causing issues
Simple as it sounds, it's persistently cruel
Everyday fibro defeats you as though you were a fool
One minute you're well, the next you're not
You can't get up since your back is caught
Within five minutes you're feeling fine
You can't understand your disorder's design
All of a sudden such excruciating pain
Unbearable, intense, like it's eating your brain
Your head pounding so powerfully and deep
It won't go away until you fall asleep
You wake up fine until your feet hit the floor
Your weight upon them feels too hardcore
You let out a sigh of pain and frustration
You thought you'd recover with this medication
You don't know how to handle this day
You've got life to live with no time for dismay
But disorders don't take feelings to heart
Instead they make your world fall apart
You're dressed and ready for school and such
But with stabbing pain school's too much
You sit in class lacking any concentration
Your knee pulsates with complete motivation
Then your shoulder, your neck, and your wrist
Or any other place this poem has missed
You're home at last but you've no energy for thrill
Your only happiness is that fibro doesn't kill
This isn't fatal thus it won't leave you dead
It'll just wreck your soul and emotions instead
A day will come when you'll learn to cope
But awaiting a day doesn't bring great hope
You're trapped within a body with all doors locked
Radiating or churning, you'll never feel shocked
There's no key out of this body, so vindictive
Fibromyalgia is chronic, lifelong restrictive