It seems lately that I have become obsessed
Obsessed with getting back a friend I lost
Because Andrew you were always there
If talking to you had a price, I'd say a thousand words no matter what it cost
I owe you everything
After all you did save my life
You were the one that said it'll get better
"Elizabeth put down the knife"
I trusted you so easily
And promised forever that I'd be your friend
Now, here we are three years later
And somehow it came to an end
The emails stopped
Along with the poem dedications
Now I'm left with memories
Of the way you helped me out of situations
Oh hun, I feel so weird without you
I know you probably don't ever remember me
But you were always here
Changing my mind to the better, and I'd always agree
You made everything so simple
Even when I thought it was all too complicated
You gave me life
That I once thought was overrated
I truely thank you for your friendship
Because without you, I never would have seen a brighter day
So love, please come back to me
Don't let things end this way...