Comments : Work

  • 16 years ago

    by Courageous Dreamer

    "Drink some courage, snort a smile,
    Lines beneath in the sand,
    Never seen, but always crossed,
    Bending to demand."
    -I love how you used a more uncommon word here.. "Drink some courage.." That was a big wow to me. It was unique. I've never heard that phrase before.

    "Do not wait for love to find you,
    Go and search it out,
    Even if we fail sometimes,
    Don't be filled with doubt."
    -This stanza was my favorite. It was sooo true. You can't wait for love to find you, you have to be the one to take that risk, if you fail.. so what, .. at least you don't have that feeling of doubt or regret. This poem said everything. :)

    "Happiness will not be found,
    Just floating through the air,
    Work for what you want in life,
    Don't drown inside despair."
    -Oh my gosh. I love this poem! Again, another very true stanza. You won't just find happiness floating in the air, you have to fight for what you want. I don't really like how you said work, however.. it works that way as well. I would have used fight :) Just my preference.

    Wow, this poem was excellent. I agreed with almost everything you said. It's soo true. <333 Great work! 5/5