Nowadays, you don't even ask if I'm okay.
You know I'm not, and you know, i never will be.
This hurts me, because it makes me feel,
like you have completely given up on me.
When someone doesn't care if you're making a huge mistake, they are the ones who you should stray from, because, if they did care, they would protect you from anything that would hurt you.
You've taught me to say goodbye.
But i don't know if its me they don't like,
or the lack of me.
I don't give anything, i just take and listen to other people, because i feel small, i feel insecure and hopeless most days.
I can't look into a persons eye and tell them how i really feel.
I'm afraid of getting hurt by another, because I'm already hurt enough.
To open up, would destroy me even more, why do that to myself?
I don't look for attention, i don't applaud show-offs,
but i do envy them because they have a strength i don't, to stand out from the crowd.
I'm fading away, soon I'll be just a feeling, I'll be the cold breeze you feel, as you walk home late at night.