Let me go...

by Monica AKA Mika   Jun 2, 2008

Its amazing how many questions burn inside my head,
But "why?" is the only one able to be said.

I can't believe how much I've given to you, everything you've thrown away,
And I'll never fully understand so I'm sorry if i ask you everyday.

None of this will ever make sense to me though,
You seemed as happy as me-as we let our relationship grow.

How could you tell me you love me and then simply look away,
This left me speechless with absolutely no words to say.

You made me so happy and i was trying too,
Whatever it took to see you-thats exactly what you seen me do.

Meaning the world to me doesn't happen everyday,
No man has ever come close to making me feel this way.

I thought i made you feel good too- but in that i guess i was wrong,
But tell me what exactly kept you with me for so damn long?

I hope you made the right choices because now theres no turning back,
It's not my fault, its yours-its the honesty that you lacked.

I wish you never lied, then we would still be together and happy,
But now you lost someone good- and you know you can't replace me.

I guess none of this matters now because my time is near,
But when it comes to my heart you know you'll always be here.

I wish you all the happiness and joy life can give,
And I hope you know I'll never forget you as long as i live.

No matter when or where- I love you- and you already know,
That once you start to miss me- YOU were the one who let ME go...


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  • 15 years ago

    by Stephanie Michelle

    "Meaning the world to me doesn't happen everyday,
    No man has ever come close to making me feel this way."

    I think these two lines are absolutely perfect.. They seem like the foundation of the entire piece to me.

    A beautifully written poem with a powerful ending. Great use of imagery.. The emotion in your writing here appalls me.
