
by dancingwolf   Jun 2, 2008

525,600 minutes
thats what they say how much time is an a year
for a lot of people thats a lot of time
but for some its how much time is left
minutes go by so quickly for some but slow for others
the clock ticks tick, tock, tick, tock
second by second
minute by minute
some say if you look at a clock it wont move
for some that is good
they don't want the clock to move
one more minute for them to live
i see people wasting there minutes by drinking
and doing drugs
the more they do it the less minutes they have left
so next time you see someone you know
give them a hug
tell your mom
that you love them
take one minute to tell them you care
because you never know
the next minute could be there last
525,600 minutes
now tell me is that a lot to you


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