To love or not to love

by Erick   Jun 3, 2008

I was once told that its better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

Is this true? Should love really be defined as something necessary?
Or is it just something in our heads waiting to be revealed? I ask myself these questions from time to time. Love is a very complicated thing. i strongly disagree with this. When someone is "heartbroken" the emotions and events shared with that person will soon control your thoughts. Emotions controlling your thoughts begin to control you. Is this something someone would really want? For example, drugs control the thoughts of drug addicts and alcohol controls the thoughts of alcoholics. The same thing applies to a broken heart, you become so addicted to the past happiness and you let those memories replay through your head without facing the thruth and sad reality. You dont realize that you need that relationship and your minds needs those memories to stay satisfied and relaxed. I belive that only thing that every person has control of and will never be completely stripped away is their thoughts. If you do not have control of your thoughts they will soon control you. Too many times do we let our thoughts control ourselves. One of the commandments in the bible states, "Thou shal not have any gods before me." How can we keep God first and continue to praise him when we cannot even contol our thoughts. the thoughts that begin to control us become a god that we must obey because we are so addicted to our thoughts that they seem to erase all the pain inside. I fully belive that the greates gift that God blessed man with is the ability to create and invent. I am in no way saying that its wrong to love. I think people should just be more cautious of the choices they rush into because they might become a catastrophic image that is bramded into our mind. Analyze the consequence as well as the irreplaceable gift of true companionship. Whatever decisions you make keep in mind that the price you pay for the ignorant rush into a relationship could result in eternal sorrow. I think the benifits of never loving are better then loving and losing. Is it just me or is love too commonly thought of as a necessity to live...??


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  • 16 years ago

    by gracey grey

    Its funny, I was thinking I'd write a love poem entitled To Love Or Not To Love, and I came across this write of yours!Anyways,"It is better to love and lose than not to love at all", is actually a saying.
    I believe this is true, but it comes with a price - a very painful price!Ultimately, as you have said, its the thought that matters -learning to control thoughts before it controls us.I enjoyed reading it.Keep writing!