Cut the skin to the bone, as i fall asleep all alone.
you're living a life of loneliness, a life so silent that it destroys you.
i try and try but in the end I just cant keep living this lie...
why is there so much pain and why does this place continue to be filled up with so much hate...
I lye awake at night whist reality clenches me in its hands, gripping tighter and tighter until I cannot breathe... Life is what has destroyed me... I dream, dream of my fantasies and have nightmares of my reality...
broken glass all around, your empty screams continue to echo through the lonely night...i hear the phone ring and i let it ring twice... just to show you that i can be nice...
I count the stars in the sky to keep my mind occupied. In the end you must never forget to hold your breath or life will rise up and drown you in its merciless tears...
This concludes how the world really isn't the happy place that its made out to be, but just what is it going to take for you to see...