I stammer slightly,
your eyes peering in,
and I decide to cut the word off entirely.
You see me, don't you?
You sense that these eyes see something,
and that something is a tremor
that could tear apart my world.
You see it, don't you?
I fear this and flinch back slightly as you move in closer
for a better look...
My eyes peer down and I blush, the air stirring
slightly as you breathe in and out.
If only if only, is all you can say.
And with a sigh I do agree.
It would be much much easier that way...
and perhaps then I could breathe.
I would not have to be petty with my smiles
and shamed by my dreams.
Longing glances would then become the definite realty.
Then I could meet your gaze,
feeling less embarrassed and more than I am...
I could then slow down my tempo,
steady the pace
and finally be assured
that I am doing something right.
I could show the world who I am.
~ =/ this is a poem connected to my new found love of the word "blush". hm. doubt anyone will truly understand, you can take your guesses though.