The Heart of Sudbyr (Alternate)

by Cadicus   Jun 5, 2008

Many ask, but few will tell...
for those who know, know all too well..
There is a price in blood to pay, when you speak of Sudbyr in shameful way.
Know this if much nothing more, Sudbyr is strong to it's very core.
If you believe what I say is true, I shall explain the heart of Sudbyr to you
To know who we are is to know what we do, and perhaps this should give you a clue
By forbidden magics of our hand, we raise the fallen of the land.
Blade and poison side by side, forever exist in dark reside.
Gaze upon the midnight sky, and know that never shall we die.
Know you now who we are, those who gather neath moon and star.
Those who forever stalk the night, undying shadows in a world of light.
Let none stand in our way, lest they with blood be washed away.
No sign of weakness will be shown, for our hearts are as cold as stone.
No children, no creatures, no naturalist..
these represent what we must resist.
To be true to Sudbyrs heart, from these tenants you must not part...
Silver and black your heart shall bear, through it camaraderie you will share.
Speak half-truths to those outside, secrets you should ever bide.
smile not lest you should show, a sign of weakness that will ever grow
The rivers will turn crimson red, running with blood from innocents shed.
Now ask your self, and search deep inside..
could you walk at Sudbyrs side?
Ages pass, and laws will change..
Yet the heart of Sudbyr shall be the same.
If ever any in silver in black, to these rules do not accordingly act
Then this is what i say to you, to Sudbyr they are not loyally true.
In my time if you were anything but, you were removed from colors and your throat was cut.
Lord, and Lady, and Baron still... are as dust to Sudbyrs will.
Sudbyr is not a single woman or man, but the hearts of many and what they demand.
Sudbyr is an eternal entity, a state of mind formed over centuries.
To all those in ages past, know that Sudbyr shall ever last.
To brothers and sisters in ages yet, never forgive and never forget.
The Heart of Sudbyr...


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