
by aliciamullins   Jun 5, 2008

If you want to know what depression is then ill tell you what its like
ill take you on the lonely path, the adventorouse depression hike
it starts of at a tragedy, then your life takes a turn
wait, dont stop listening, theres still much more to learn
you start reliving what has happened to you over and over again
its as though your in a nightmare that just wont end
but when you dont wake up you realize its your reality
and everything you once loved or had, you can no longer reach
your heart feels like it doesnt beat and your not getting any air
your whole life come crashing down and everything turns to fear
then afraid of what people might think, you hide behind a mask
but little do you know that the faking just can not last
so you mask comes off as you try to explain, but noone understands what goes on in your minde
by then your ready to just give up, leave this world behind
then you start blaming yourself for things in which you know you have no control
and all you feel is shame and anger as your heart turns ice cold
you think the most pothetic thing in the world is yourself
and youll find that not even the closest people in your life can get you out of your hell


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  • 16 years ago

    by Tammi

    Wow this is amazingly true and so well writen it is sad and very powerfull great job 5/5
