Fake it (Free Verse)

by Ashleigh Skye   Jun 6, 2008

I've become the leech
that dwells in the murkiest of waters
attaching myself firmly to those who enter.
Sucking in a part of them
which in turn
annihilates a part of me.
And while being a leech is one thing
if it's where you began
this was not me before
before I was something more.
Before I was the wild horse
running freely through the mountains
galloping with not a care in the world.
I was proud of my sun kissed mane,
that made me stand out from the shadows,
made me unique compared to the others with their
lifeless locks.
Before the carefree horse,
I was the bald eagle
with a wingspan that stretched for miles
and as this proud eagle
I would soar
higher then all those which surrounded me,
and was grateful at my ability,
not ashamed of it.
Before I became the majestic bald eagle
I was the powerful lion
confidence pouring through my roar.
Animals crumbled to the floor when they heard it
even the other lions,
sounded like kittens
in comparison.
But no longer am I any of this,
for now I am the leech
sucking at the souls of others
erasing myself slowly
until one day
I won't come back at all.

*Free verse- Free Verse is an irregular form of poetry in which the content free of traditional rules of versification*



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  • 16 years ago

    by Spirit

    -Fake it

    The title cofused me untill I got to the end then I understood. I was drawn into your poem so forcefully that I began to wonder what happened to the Horse, the Eagle, the Lion to turn such powerfull creatures into the paracitic Leech. I feel as if this poem is us finished and once it is you'll take it to the next levle where it belongs.