Not Yet

by Natalie   May 30, 2004

I've tried so hard to keep the pain inside
But its just to much to hold
I love you so much
but you can't see that
can you?

I know I have to let you go
but something inside of me
won't let you leave

Is it because we are meant to be?
Or is it just a feeling of loneliness?
I don't know the answer
what I do know is i can't let you go
nope not yet

you mean to much to me
and I never felt this way to anyone before
this feeling is new to me

I just can't let that go
If you knew how I feel, you would know
I can't let you go
nope not yet

plz comment and vote!!
it means alot!thnx!


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  • 20 years ago

    by Jacob

    You've got a great talent with words. I just ended a, well you could say, a one-ended relationship. I know how hard it is to let go, but sometimes you have to, to prevent being hurt in the future. I also know what you're going through. I've felt that way before. Her name was, ironically, Natalie, but everytime i even thought about her the world seemed to be a great place. But you have to let that person go, or else you'll end up hating everone and everything, like it's their faults. Ok, maybe that was over the top, but still, just take this into concideration, and again, great poem.

  • 20 years ago

    by Natalie

    thank u so much marisa, thats great thatur in love, and i bet u r! i m sry about ur granny. neways thnx alot for the comment!

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