My loss your gain

by why wasnt i enough13   Jun 7, 2008

I lost my smile
i lost my mind
You gained your truth
of sweet profit Divine
i lost my childhood
You gained your fame
You did what you did
so i can never remain the same
as silly as i wanted to be
but hey You took that too
You unloaded yo gun in side my chambers
i screamed! a truce with no remainders
i lost my serenity
i lost my best
You gained my virginity
and gave your friends the rest


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  • 16 years ago

    by Waiting4mywings2heal

    Really good job 5/5 love it!

  • 16 years ago

    by Shellaine shelli

    great poem.
    I could see your hurt and anger in this
    It's always really painful when you
    love someone and give them
    everything and they
    simply don't care .
    But this poem was beautifully written
    and so powerful.
    Good job!!
    Take care sweety :)

  • 16 years ago

    by SoUrNameIsTia

    Cool poem, :]

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