My Love..

by xIrEnEaNdChRiSx   Jun 7, 2008

He is my highest high
Soft touches into my soul
In which I always hope to keep
Him and I creative and new
Days I look forward to

I wish the sun would never set
Or the stars would always twinkle
Into our hearts as we are together
Forever in myself

I am to him what he
Is to me; I hope a light a
Love and the thought of us
Always I said never and not again
Another chance for me to take the right path
Into myself he goes and I will keep him warm

All I want to do is take it all
The way and savor every moment
Make him my all; He is my light
Into the dark I will never go again
When I'm with my love

I wish the sun would never set
Or the stars would always twinkle
Into our hearts as we are together

Forever in Ourselves


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