We are the class of 04

by Tamila Bob   May 30, 2004

As i walk across that stage
and enter the beyond

it will be the last time
i see many of my friends

we are all broken up
some going here
others going there

it is always so hard
to say good bye

so i won't
i will walk across that stage
with all my tears in my pocket

not on my face
if i let just one tear fall
it will all be come real

i may never see half
these people again

so as class of 04
walks out that door
i hope every one will know
we will be back again
and this is not the END

just a beginning of a NEW DAY


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  • 20 years ago

    by Sac-t0wn Sw33t13

    I like your poem! I too am a c/o 2004! thats the best year to graduate in, and you know why??? I'll tell you why... because thats the year I graduated in...lmao j/p

  • 20 years ago

    by Tamila Bob

    ok jessica i will get back to you on that one lol,vanessa you graduated a day after my grandpa died.later
    me so sad

  • 20 years ago

    by Tamila Bob

    I GRADUATED YEAH,im so freaking happy o yea high school=hott guys.o yeah
    later my people