{ I've Moved On }

by FireCracker   May 30, 2004

You made me feel special in the beginning
Like all you wanted was me
but i guess i was so blinded
now i can finally see

After awhile you began to change
you acted as if you didn't care
you ignored me
when i was standing right there

i could tell you anything
and you always helped me out
i trusted you
without any doubt

I don't know why
but you started to change
then the new you was in
and i was left to blame

All of my friends
could see through you
the knew exactly
what you planned to do

Even your best friends warned me
but i didn't seem to care
but for some reason i seemed to think you'd always be there

Towards the end
you treated me like dirt
i was crying endlessly
thats how bad it hurt

I've moved on
and yes its true
and i still cant believe
I'm already over you

So from now on I'll now on
I'll keep my head high
I'll try not to cry
but whenever i see you I'll always sigh ..


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  • 19 years ago

    by ca

    *sighs* i remembered something i read from the quotes section "EvErY oNe JuSt TeLlS mE tO fOrGeT hIm
    aNd So I lOoK aT tHeM aNd SaY
    "Ok, AnD WhY dOn'T yOu TrY tO fOrGeT tO bReAtHe..."

  • 19 years ago

    by Leslie B. Lyke

    good peom ...love is blind its true...keep up the good work!!