You ripped my heart out

by Mads Avnboeg   Jun 8, 2008

You ripped my heart out
Replaced it with emptiness
A void as vast as the universe
Sadness took over the space
Got a hold on me
Embraced me
And has walked with me since
What is my heart worth to you?
If you just lock it up?
In a dark and cold place
Set it free
It longs to see the light of love again
You didn't want my love
Then let someone else have it
Let go of me!


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  • 15 years ago

    by Mads Avnboeg

    To Lovely Anglebebes

    Love is coming to you on swift fairies wings
    Lifting you up
    High above the everyday Grey
    Lifting you to float up high in the blue
    Surrounded by a dazzling light
    A passion, an inner glow
    Spreads within you like rings in a pond
    Through your trembling body
    Feel the excitement traveling through you
    Feel the restless announcing its arrival
    I send you wishes of a lovely life
    Full of bliss, love and devotion
    Godspeed to you Lovely Angelbebes