Holding onto another day

by Hollywood   Jun 9, 2008

To many you are just a guy
A guy who drinks
A guy who likes to pull pranks

To many you are just another divorced parent

But to me you are more
To me you are the moon
To me you are the sun
To me you are the doctor
To me you are a taxi driver
To me you are nothing more than my father and my best friend!

To many you are a guy who likes to yell

But to me you are

A father
A mother
A best friend
And my comforter

You help me to see
When the days go dark
You help me hold on
To everything that i am not
To everything i have yet to become
I'm hanging on to another day
I'm hanging on to the words you say!

Dad i love you
I hope you never forget that
I hope you and i say this Way forever
I hope that you still love me no matter what i do!

I hope you hold onto everything i say
And hold onto another day!

Dad thanks for being my father as well as my mother
Thanks for being my taxi driver, my doctor...and my best friend!

I know we drive each other NUTS but dad i still love you!



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  • 16 years ago

    by LoveKeepsMeStrong

    Aww wow what a message for your dad.
    i hope you showed him this lol

  • 16 years ago

    by Jack Nightengale

    This poem is sweet!

    Father's all around would love to read it as well!
