Comments : You need war for peace

  • 16 years ago

    by Poet on the Piano

    Very true piece, nicely written. This was a pleasure to read, and there was so much meaning in it. Thanks a lot for your comment! Keep writing, always and forever...

  • 16 years ago

    by LoveTear

    * That's a meaningful poem ! Great work thanks

  • 16 years ago

    by Filledwithjoy

    So true..

  • 16 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    Well done

  • 16 years ago

    by Muthu

    War will never bring peace; one war will lead to another. Please read my poem in this regard

    When we fight a war
    How civilized we are!
    Destructive wars are
    Man wages them what for?

    Millions get killed
    Many perish in their prime
    Billions go handicapped
    Is not war a crime?

    Misuse of science for destruction
    And making weapons to kill
    In the name of nations’ construction
    Shame, it continues still!

    Man hatched the nations
    To satisfy his egoism
    To safeguard narrow intentions
    Invented patriotism,

    If nationalism and patriotism
    Throw to wind humanism
    Bury those narrow isms,
    Develop internationalism

    Let us not any more glorify
    War as patriotism
    The gullible people to gratify
    Invoking chauvinism,

    When we fight a war
    How civilized we are!
    Let us say ‘No’ to war
    And only peace we are for.