One Dark Night

by Jenn   Jun 10, 2008

Sitting on the couch
Watching television
Waiting for the time to come
When I leave for work
Little did I know
What was going to happen that night

Four thirty comes along
I get in the car
And drive to work
I thought everything was fine
But I never knew what was gonna happen that night

Five o'clock
I punch in
Little do I know
A friend of mine
Was pulling the trigger
At the same time

I had a good day at work that night
Only if I had known
Arrived at home
Assuming everything was alright
Went to bed and woke up that morning
Hoping for another good day

Picked up my friend for school
As we drove down the road
She tells me he shot himself
I couldn't believe it
There was no way
It must not have gotten through to me
For I almost started to cry
He wasn't in his chair first period
And thats when it hit me
He never said goodbye


R.I.P. Joey Arnold


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