Comments : THE ANSWER

  • 20 years ago

    by East Poetry

    One day at work, for some reason I still dont know, but I said this in my mind

    "the answer knows the answer to everything."

    then I relized that it would only know that, if it knew itself in each situation.

  • 20 years ago

    by Amy

    lol....this was a very good poem! I liked it a lot. I'm going to try to read, vote, and comment on more of your poems tonight, if I dont' tonight I will tomorrow. Anyway, good poem!

  • 20 years ago

    by Amy

    lol.....I just realized I've read and voted and commented on all your poems....duh!! I'm a big idiot. Oh well...I sorry. Anyways, you're such a wonderful poet and you have such talent!! Wonderful job!! lol. Sorry I commented twice...I guess I felt like saying all I'm a loser, I Anyway, wonderuld job!!

  • 20 years ago

    by jennifer cheng

    hey hey dats a good poem hahah better den mines holla bak man buh biaz

    love crazy a.k.a jennifer

  • 20 years ago

    by Kevin

    Nice bro...good solid thought provoking start...a little flabby in the middle...then a good ending..bold effort.

    Check out my poem Geni-us for the same kind of thought-train..

  • 20 years ago

    by BaybeBlew

    I liked it alot, it was really different, most of your poems are though. It was interesting how you gave a personality to someone who would know all the answers. It's unclear who this person is, like if it's a god or just a wise person, but thats what makes the poem better. I really liked it anyways, keep writing.

    -Blue ^_~

  • 20 years ago

    by Danielle

    that was brilliant...ur an amazing writer wow, and i cant' believe you thought i was good...i cant' wait to read more, but right now i'm going to bed, gotta get up for exams, but i enjoyed the 2 i read, and i'll read more tomorrow...pelase keep reading mine, i really want to know what you think...thanks again...

    love always,

  • 20 years ago

    by you dont need to know

    haha good shit man i liked it, good use of vocab

  • 20 years ago

    by Sean Allen

    Heh, good stuff Randy. As usual, I have managed to locate a couple of errors in what is nearly a perfect and stunning work. The topic, rhythm, and rhyme were all in place, and those definitely made this a very strong poem.
    1. Last line of the second stanza : "Than" should be 'then', "its" should be 'it's'
    2. Last line of stanza #5, you might want to consider changing the "is" to a 'was', as most of your poem is in the past tense.
    3. Second line of stanza #7, "rattleing" is misspelled and should be 'rattling' :-)
    4. Third line of stanza #8, "are there" should be in the singular, as it is refering to food, which I am pretty sure is singular
    5. in the second to last stanza, "with out" can be written as one word if you wish, "geting" is misspelled, and "its" should be "it's".

    Your finale is fantastic, and you have managed to incorporate an axiom into your poem not only in a way that rhymes, but in a way that makes a great deal of sense. Great work.

  • 20 years ago

    by hayley williams

    Hey Randy,
    I loved this poem and the story it told, your one of the only writers on this entire site that make me think when i read your poems. I think im trying to say i find them intellectually stimulating!

  • 20 years ago

    by Catherine Sawyer

    EXCELLENT, ABSOLUTELY EXCELLENT! you got a 5 from me I just loved this to pieces.

  • 20 years ago

    by East Poetry

    i think that all your poems are awsome but this one takes alot of thought. i think that it is cool and very deep. keep it up.

  • 18 years ago

    by silhouette fairy

    This poem has me almost confused and i usually don't get confused
    but it is good any way

  • 15 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    Yes My friend this is very deep and well within poetic license
    I love deep poems and I can take this into the spiritual realm easily

    To me the [answer ]is in a power greater than myself

  • 15 years ago

    by Mezmeryz

    'Wow! Crazy stuff!', well that was my reaction when i finished reading the last stanza of this awesome poem. I usually have a thing or two to for improvements on poems, but i dare say, this poem here is perfection, with message and all! Honestly the best poem i've read on this site in ages, maybe ever.

    Though every stanza stood out for me, I have two particular favourites:

    For the ANSWER knows the answer
    to every single thing.
    But can he lend you wisdom
    if his food you do not bring?

    ^^This agrees with the old teaching 'if you never ask question, you'll never learn'... or something along those lines. I admire the way you put your thoughts into beautifully penned poems, with perfect flow and rhyme schemes. It totally amazes me.

    "If you want to succeed in life,
    and surpass any kind of wealth,
    Master all THE ANSWER Knows,

    ....and strive to know thyself."

    ^^wow, now i always love a poem with a clear message, a clear 'moral to the story', and this poem surpasses all my expectations from a poem. I don't mean to just flatter, but i really did enjoy reading this.
    I'm going to add the poem, and the poet to my favourites =].
    I really wish i could write like that!
    Very Well done, don't stop writing.
    MEZi x

  • 15 years ago

    by Em

    Very intriguing and unique. Really well writen and an enjoyable read. 5/5, em

  • 15 years ago

    by Mr Rhee

    Aside from what Sean suggested, this was an EXCELLENT write! Your talent shows thru. Great message, and very cool idea. Like!

  • 14 years ago

    by East Poetry

    You are very silly... Im glad you enjoyed this riddle. lol I know it seems to talk about food a lot.
    But this is only because in the very first stanza its states that

    and ONLY questions were his food.

    Its VERY VERY VERY important that though out this poem you remember, and keep reminding yourself that "a question" is literally his food.

    read the poem again, perhaps and see if it makes more sense to you. Even go as for as replacing the word "food", literally with the word "question"

  • 13 years ago

    by L

    Everything starts with a question, if we don't think and wonder then how are we supposed to know more? So just "talk" to "yourself" but not exactly to yourself. Ask and ask there is nothing to lose with that. The answers will come up because there is an answer to everything, if it seems like there is not one. It might just be hidden but we need to dig it so we can find it. There is a saying : "help yourself, that i will help you" So come up with questions and "I" will give the answers to you" but we have to look for them.. he won't tell us in person.

  • 13 years ago

    by Mello193

    Mind- BLOWN! wow. just wow. this is so deep. like everyone has questions and the only ones with answers are the answers themselves. i like how you tied food into this too. i didnt fully enderstand it and i hope that you would msg me with a better understanding, but this was awesome. your a very leveled writer able to cover many subjects perfectly with great insight. great job man!