You, me and the distance that streched us apart

by Tanitha   Jun 11, 2008

I wished there's a time machine
then i will paused me and you
at our favorite moments
and I'll never set it to play again

I'll hold you tight
and I'll never let go of you
so you won't have to leave
so i won't have to be alone

I'll keep you awake
so i won't miss a damn thing about you
so i won't missed you once you're gone
so i can see your every single smile

I'll give up everything that i have
just to always be next to you
so i won't miss anything from you
so you won't forget about me

I'm afraid you'll forget about me
I'm afraid you won't remember that I'm waiting for you
so just smile to me for the last time
and tell me that you'll be back before i wake up


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  • 16 years ago

    by MizzCici

    Aww i really like thiz poem u did a real good job and understand tha feelings keep writting, i really like it,great job.