Unstated Love (Lira)

by Lonely Rider   Jun 12, 2008

Unstated love(Lira)

Affectionate tender smile
Questioning eyes radiating immense care
My heartbeat stops for a while
I remained unstated dear
Your love is not mine,but a girl sitting near.

5 lines syllables 7, 11, 7, 7, 11
Rhyme scheme ab abb


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  • 16 years ago

    by BrokenREALiTy

    Ooh! I liked this piece a lot. I never do specific styles that have laid out structures that you have to follow -- I find them extremely difficult, and I find them even more difficult to read, when someone doesn't do it right and well.

    But you did an amazing job. I've never seen this style, and it was refreshing how you wrote it in such a simple way, but the meaning goes so deep. The emotion portrayed here ... the sadness and the love is just beautiful. And that slight twist (in my eyes anyway) at the end, made this worth the read .


  • 16 years ago

    by NinjaGirl

    A short piece of poetry but a very sweet and sad one. the last line was especially sad. it was unique. a brilliant form of poetry. and the flow was amazing.


    Keep Writing, lovely
    As Always,

  • 16 years ago

    by ashley allen

    I really love this poem it was very sweet and cool your under my fav

  • 16 years ago

    by Finalgravedigger

    I truly love reading your works. This short poem was very sweeet. I also love reading styles like these. 5/5 your under my favorites from now on^^

  • 16 years ago

    by SMILEoften

    This is so great.
    I really like it because of the simplicity of it all. Poems these days are about 4 stanzas, and, this being just one, it takes my breath away. It's so unique -- you definetly made it your own. This poem flows well, has creativity but refreshing your mind with one well-thought stanza. Great work.

    - Shanna