Why an I hurting inside?
why is that almost all the time I feel like this?
how come sometimes I feel that you don't love me?
am I just putting things in my head
or is it that I'm right?
you know I don't mean to make you mad
and I know you don't mean the things you say
even they may hurt like hell sometimes
I would ask myself all this questions
and just wish I had the answers
when I tell you I love you
I'm not just saying it to make you feel good
I actually mean it.every time I say I love you
I feel like I'm giving you a part of my heart
hoping and praying you don't break it
or take it for granted
I don't think there any words that can describe
how much you mean to me and how much I love you
and you know baby
no one will ever love you the way I do
you will never find someone like me
yeah... I may be young to love someone
or maybe even know what love is
but what I know is that your heart
doesn't have any laws telling
you who to love or not
when it comes to love
your mind doesn't control it
your heart does
age doesn't matter when it comes to love
anyone can fall in love
whether they're 15 or 18
20 or 30 or maybe even 60
when you have love
you just want to take good care of it
and never let go
and yes of course...
love can also hurt
hurt so much that you wish
no one should go through that pain
you can be hurting so bad
but no one will understand
they may think they do
but they don't
they really don't!
because they're not going through the same pain you are
when you lose the person you love
all your dreams shatter into pieces
just leaving memories
I lost him once and man...
I had the worst days of my life
I felt like something just ripped out a part of me
never did I felt this way
I was drowning in my tears,my dreams
I realized that I love him so much
more than he'll ever know
that I would give my all just to have him back...in my arms,feeling the warmth of his body
and his beautiful melody his heart plays
and now I'm so thankful to have him back
he's all I want and need
he may make me feel loved
his love is so amazing
I would never want to lose him again..never!
because if I do...
I will never stop blaming myself
for losing the person I love with all my heart
there's so many things that I can say but for now
this is just the beginning
it will get harder and harder each time
and I know I should have lots of hope
because baby...love is a battle field.