
by alexis   Jun 17, 2008

Every night i lay in my bed
my mind wandering everywhere
thinking about you and the way i feel
when I'm with you its like watching the sun go down
its beautiful, makes me think about this moment being forever
when we're together it seems like an eternity
never ending, you know that would be nice, waking up to each other knowing that you love that person with all your heart
when you look into my eyes you see a love so pure and sweet
when i look into your eyes i see a heart that is filled with love for one particular person
you make me want to love again
you make me want to trust again
you make me reality come to me, that i am a beautiful young lady that has a lot going on for herself
for that i thank you and i love you with all my heart
i couldn't see my life without you
you make my heart skip a beat
you also complete my heart
you are my soul and you are my life


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  • 16 years ago

    by alexis

    Thank you, you are so sweet

  • 16 years ago

    by CanUKissAwayMyPain

    Nice i like it. it's so sweet and true. what love gives us. what makes us feel insiide.


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