
by yblehs   Jun 17, 2008

Your arms are the safest place I know
I wish to be in them now
But it has to wait
Because we have yet to be together
I'm sure my affection is obvious
No matter how I try to hide it
I crave for you to feel the same

Your eyes make sleep impossible
The sound of your voice makes me restless
When I thought all was lost
You rescued me without knowing it
Jealousy takes over when you're with a girl
I would do anything to be her for that moment
I would jump the moon for you

I love it when you tell me I'm pretty
Because I took all morning making it that way
I miss you when your away from me
I yearn to know what you feel
The looks you give, give me faith
All the matter in the world is how much i like you
Nevertheless I love you


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by Tsukuyomi

    This is really cute Shelb <3!!!!

  • 16 years ago

    by claire

    Good writing, especially love the ending. once again, easy to relate to :)

  • 16 years ago

    by Blissful

    You truly expressed your emotionas beautifully and I could totally relate. You both such thought and meaning behind all that you said which made it even more of a joy to read.

    "When I thought all was loss"
    ^I think you mean "lost"

    "Jealousy takes over when your with a girl"
    "I miss you when your away from me"
    ^It supposed to be "you're" not "your"

    Well done on this love piece.
    I enjoyed reading it.

  • 16 years ago

    by Kaila

    I really liked this one! It was probably the best love poem you did. I felt the emotion and now I think with this you can build and make an even better love poem. Which then you'd need to tell me

  • 16 years ago

    by msluckyone
