Comments : Shadows Beneath Heaven

  • 16 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Chilling words making my skin crawl. Dare I say it makes my blood spill? Would that tempt you my evil dark lord?

    Great imagery used throughout this piece and without being too obvious.

    Well done


  • 16 years ago

    by adriaan

    Finally! Someone who writes like me!

  • 16 years ago

    by LadyPearl

    Excellent job. Some poems use big words to make something sound better. But in your poem, the big words contribute to a clear story or message. Keep on writing!

  • 16 years ago

    by Sourav

    Very nice! Fantastic!

  • 16 years ago

    by Grant Gilbert AKA Slash

    I found this poem to be suitably chilling, building to a climax.
    I like the use of the angels "I could picture the arch angel, sword in hand waiting to disperse justice"
    Yes humanity seems to have to gift for destroying what God has created.
    Well done on an excellent poem


  • 15 years ago

    by Italian Stallion

    Fantastic write, the flow and structure were both good, but could've been better with punctuation. Punctuation is very important in poetry, it lets the reader know when to pause or stop as well as adding to the flow. The imagery was so sureal, excellent work!!!

    Blood crawl the silent streets
    Of unconsciousness, Of secrecy
    Contaminating frozen cold feet
    Unaware of fervent death and adversity

    ^^Captured the attention of the reader from the very start. Nice use of vocabulary. Made me want to continue reading.

    Sonorous wicked voices fill the grail
    Of holiness, Of sacredness and praise
    Faith submerging to pleasures and ales
    Satisfying each breath leading to
    unbearable craze

    ^^The "holy grail" portion of this stanza reminds me of, "Indiana Jones" Another well written stanza!

    Angels stare the forsaken land
    With flux of tears, worn out mercy
    Wings dispersing keeping wrath in hand
    Will wash the sin stained creation of humanity

    ^^Wow!!! Amazing, I think this is my favorite stanza of this poem. The imagery is excellent as well as the flow.

    Shadows merry making within vast halls
    Broadcasting foolishness, avidity and greed
    Soon will fade, will be poured with enlightenment
    Reinvent the kingdom where they feed

    ^^Excellent ending to a wonderful write. Brought the rest of the poem together as a whole.


    Overall a well written piece of poetry, keep up the great work.

    Peace, Joe