A Celluloid Reality (I Wish This Were True)

by 2weak2smile   Jun 18, 2008

I walked through the door,
A thick blanket of darkness,
Covered all that I saw.

There was a forest through the mist ahead,
But all I could see were the trees,
And the flowers were all dying, or already dead.

There were no birds singing in the trees,
With no leaves, they'd have no warmth from the cold,
The darkness seemed to kill like a disease.

As I walked down the cold, stony path,
A strange wind blew from my left,
Leaving me with goose bumps, as it seemed to laugh.

It came, whistling, cold, fast and clear,
Nothing moving with it, not even my hair,
As if frozen still and gripped with fear.

I took a deep, encouraging breath of the rancid air,
And carried on through the thick, dark wind,
It whistled through me, as if I wasn't there.

The wind ceased as quick as it begun,
The silence deafening and rang through my ears,
As my skin blistered and my eyes stung.

As a fierce fire started to rage around me,
Engulfing the eerie forest that I was caged in,
The flames burned high, as fell to one knee.

The flames singing and dancing upon my back,
The fiery dancers burning my blistered skin to the bone,
The ground began to move, shake and crack.

As the earth opened up and swallowed my chard remains,
Then like the phoenix before me,
I rose above all. Stronger I flew from the flames.

Concurring my fears, and in disbelief,
I looked down at the fire raging in my soul,
And realised, to my own destiny, I am the chief.


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Latest Comments

  • 16 years ago

    by Aussie

    What a wild twisted ending. gr8 job:)

  • 16 years ago

    by ForbiddenSnowflake

    Such a better ending :) I really like the use of description you choose gave a alot of emotion and fear. For eg. The darkness seemed to kill like a disease, Engulfing the eerie forest that I was caged in -AND- The fiery dancers burning my blistered skin to the bone. I could feel the pain happening. Great work!

  • 16 years ago

    by Max Burkert

    This is a great poem and kind of sad.