Comments : Bound and gagged

  • 16 years ago

    by Mr. Darcy

    Another chilling write.

    Writing about a feeling, an undercurrent of suspicion, an air of distrust. Was it what he said, how he looked, or maybe whispers from others?

    A mysterious write, wonderfully woven - leaving the reader to fill in the gaps.

    Well done


  • 16 years ago

    by Jennifer RIP Lesthat Hayden

    It out. But then I turn around
    and your right behind me
    Wrong your. It's you're.

    Your sneaking up on me like

    Other than those two errors it was pretty good. It was a unique twist. I like how it was only at the end you said you were bound, gagged, and kills.

    Four out of five.

  • 16 years ago

    by HvN

    Wow this is great, i've never read it this way before! :]