LoVe NoTe

by ~!~ Mar!ah ~!~   Jun 21, 2008

IT's HaRd SEaRchInG fOr LoVe AgAiN WhEn YoUr HeARt DoN't wANt To MoVe oN. mY hEarT iS FrAgIlE. tHe reAsON bEcAuSE YoU nEvEr gAvE It LoVe, AlL YoU EveR DiD WaS cAusE PaIn. It HaD No LoVe To GrOw StRoNg On. BeCaUsE It WaS So FrAgiLe ThE LiL ThInGs YoU Do aNd EvEN ThE WoRdS YoU SpOKe It jUsT BrEAkS IT.... AlL It EvER WaNteD WaS SoMeoNe To HoLd DuRIng The NiTE, dAt ShoUlDEr To CrY on WhEn TimES WaSn'T RiTe, Or SoMeoNe To ShaRe ThAT FeElIng WT. I'Ve giVeN YoU My LoVE AnD aLl i AsKed FoR wAS YouRS.. BecAUsE It WaS My FiRsT LoVE YoU ThoUgHt You CouLd ABusE It... I LeArneD NoT To GiVE My HeaRt To AnYBody... ThEy LiKe TO PLay While YoU TAkE It SerIouS... BuT BeCaUse YoUr SoMEboDy AnD I ReAlLy LiKed YoU I GaVe It To YOU...


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