Always Remember....Me

by YourThe ReasonIDiedTonight   Jun 22, 2008

Is no one listening, can you not hear my voices calling

yes i am am here waiting for your call, hoping you will care enough to hear me out.

All i want to say is am sorry

im sorry i failed you so may times.

Im sorry i was never there when you needed me the most.

Im sorry i was not strong enough, and im sorry i hurt you so bad.

Im sorry you do not smile anymore and im sorry you still feel the bruise that i helped put on your face.

Im sorry you feel like you want to die and im sorry im the reason why.

If i could i would take back everything i said and did, trust me i would. I would never has said those words that made you cry and i would never have hit you so many times. I wish i could have showed u the true me but sadly i never could find the strength inside to let her shine. I wish with all my heart that you find a reason to live again for i know at one point i your only reason too.

I hope that you'll remember the happier times not the sad and to realize that i truly did love you even through the punches and smacks.

Please if this is the last time i talk to you i want you to remember this----im not the the fist that hit you nor the scream that came from my mouth. I am a human being that has made a terrible mistake and i hope you may someday realize it was not your fault that i did this but all mine.

Also remember that will always miss you. I will always miss the your face and the loving touch from your hands. I will always miss your support and the how much you seemed to understand. I will always miss the warmth of your embrace and the kiss that i could never erase. But more then anything i thought you should know that i will always love you. To the end of my days you will be the only one for me.

"People who treat other people as less than human must not be surprised when the bread they have cast on the waters comes floating back to them, poisoned."
-not my quote


Not about me


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  • 14 years ago

    by HisBlueEyedAngel

    You are an amazing writer well written. I love it.

  • 16 years ago

    by Just Jessy

    This is brilliant:) x