I listen to the soft patter patter
of rain falling to the ground
I close my eyes so I can better
listen to the sound
I can feel it softly dripping
upon my skin
I twirl around in circles
again and again
The rain starts falling harder
from the sky
I drop to my knees and
begin to cry
I begin to cry tears that
have been cradled in my
heart for so long
I slowly lay myself down
exhausted from trying
to be so strong
As the rain falls on my tear
stained face
I slowly drift into my dream place
The place where my pain
matters to you
The place where your kiss
always makes this dream
feel so true
After waking from this beautiful
place things start to feel OK
I awaken but in my place I do
not stay
I stand and quickly begin
to run
I run to tell you, as long as the
rain can fall from the sky there
is no possible way my love for
you can be done!