Mixed Emotions Inside my Head

by Vonnie McHugh   Jun 23, 2008

All these thoughts going round in my head.
Lots of words that need to be said,
My life is in turmoil right now,
I just don't know what to do or how.

So many words I want to speak,
But I am so very weak,
Life isn't simple anymore,
Please God help me I implore.

All these question I need to ask,
But so afraid of what it might unmask,
The truth is what I want to hear,
But in my heart its the worst I fear.

So do I go on this way,
Feeling like this every single day,
I just want to forget,
In my mind to find some rest.

I just want to wake up and forget,
Knowing that there is no threat,
Will today be the day,
All my fears will fly away.


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  • 15 years ago

    by Vonnie McHugh

    Thank you so very much

  • 15 years ago

    by John Long

    This is very honest writing Vonnie and you don't always find that in poetry. We have so many questions and too few answers. I hope you found peace.