What He Did to Her

by Erika   Jun 24, 2008

I watched her helplessly, wanting with everything I had to help her
My heart desperately reaching out to hers, or what she had left of it
My stomach turned at the thought of the way he treated her
And now my stomach turns because he left her
I scream silently as I watched her self destruct
Never would I have believed one person could do this to another
Until the night I had to pick her up off of the floor
Protesting as she turned food away
Crying when her clothes began falling off of her
Growing frustrated as I noticed her bones slowly protruding
Shuddering as I realized how long it had been since she smiled
And then I realized it had been even longer since she had slept a whole night
Only she and I knew what occurred after it turned dark
Only I heard her screams, saw her toss, turn and kick herself awake
Holding her down as she flailed, convincing her it was only a dream
Rocking her until she calmed enough to sleep again
Knowing it wouldnâ??t be long until morning when everything would get bad again
Waiting for her eyes to open, so beautiful and innocent
And then I could see the realization of the truth flooding in
Reaching out to hold her as she sat up and gasped
Clutching her chest, trying to get what little oxygen she could
Trying to convince her everything would hurt less with time
Even though I was beginning to wonder myself
I began to wonder how she had anything left in her
Wondering how she wasnâ??t dehydrated from crying, especially since she never ate
Careful to let n o one mention his name
And if anyone slipped, I hurt as she cringed
And I could see the pain in her eyes
Notices her hand clutching her heart
And watched her wrap her arms around herself, as if she was trying to hold herself together
Wondering why she was shivering when it was so hot
And I wonder if she knew I noticed she couldnâ??t listen to certain songs
That I noticed anything that reminded her of him made her fall apart all over again
Did she know I could see him in her eyes?
I could tell she was thinking of him when her face went blank
As it quite often did
What could I do? I did not have that answer
I only knew the things I could not do
I could not let her be alone, whatsoever
Any progress we made was completely reversed if she was left alone
And I could see how it hurt and terrified her to be alone
Left all alone with the memories of him
I wiped away tears as we packed away pictures, letters, and gifts
Packed away anything that might trigger a memory
And then one day it began to change
She cried less and ate more
She stopped looking at her phone waiting on him to call and didnâ??t answer when he did
She could watch television and listen to the radio again without thinking of him
She could see him without falling apart
We laughed together again
Her longing for him turned to disgust for him
And pride filled me as she learned and grew stronger from this
And what did he gain?
And I pass him and see her in his eyes
Asking about her without speaking
And I smirk because sheâ??s happier than she ever was
And he is only left empty


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