
by Mason   Jun 25, 2008

It is my weakness.
It is my bane.
But without it I am nothing.
It causes me eternal happiness, and endless pain.
For the one I love, does not love me.
She sees me, and I see her, she is oblivious of my feelings.
It pains me so,
that she will never know of my,


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  • 16 years ago

    by Krista

    Wow. Incredible poetry. What form is this?

    I liked how you began and started with Love. It was a great starter and ending. Liked the use of the word "bane". Honestly, I have never seen it and I LOVED it.


    PS, if you could, comment on one of my poems please!

    Peace, Love && Pixie Dust,

  • 16 years ago

    by CanUKissAwayMyPain

    That exacly how i feel i liked this one cause it's you my it .

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