So yes... Erm...
i guess you can see where i got my idea... if you look at the picture..
I have awoken
My nightmares taunting
My hair is lank, messed
The room is spinning, dots my eyes
I feel i'm tripping*
My eyes are bleeding black
And his memory's back
Crystallizing pictures
Of unwanted times
I stare ahead to keep my eyes focused
(If it's possible now)
And in my tangalated dreams
The fingerprints of you remain
to scar me forever
*in this sense, I'm using the definition:The out-of-body and out-of-mind experiences that occur after having dropped acid...dropping acid means to take acid... and acid is a drug... idk.. I've never took acid before... hmm maybe i should? LMAO ok ill shh now.. :S ;)